Collaboration between Tokyo Yamagawa DMC and Shimoda Underwater Aquarium has been realized!
株式会社東京山側DMC, which develops inquiry-based nature experience learning schools, is located in Shizuoka Prefecture.Shimoda Underwater AquariumCollaboration Event"Monster Fish Hunter Tacchan and Shimoda Underwater Aquarium Special Experience Program"We held an event. Shimoda Underwater Aquarium is a facility that utilizes a natural bay called Waka no Ura, covering an area roughly the size of one Tokyo Dome, where dolphins live freely in a natural environment. It is a popular facility as an attractive aquarium that children never get bored of. The program was held over two days, featuring activities such as observing marine life in the actual sea and a private night tour of Shimoda Underwater Aquarium.
On the first day, we visited the backyard "Fish Lab" where they treat fish diseases and breed them. The children were fascinated as they touched shark eggs and learned about feeding and water temperature from the staff of the Shimoda Underwater Aquarium. In the evening, we rented out the aquarium for a "Darkness Night Tour." It was a valuable experience to observe bioluminescent organisms and feel the laws of nature firsthand. On the second day, we conducted tide pool observations with the caretakers at the tide pools behind the Shimoda Underwater Aquarium. The children investigated the creatures of Izu, researched the creatures they found using a guidebook, and each child presented their findings to share their knowledge.
Through inquiry-based nature experience learning school,Promoting initiatives for sustainable regional revitalization
Not only the children but all participants, including adults, were given the opportunity to develop a deep understanding and interest in marine life. Participants commented, "The backyard tour, night aquarium, and tide pool creature observation were all experiences that could only be had here, and my son was able to ask various questions and left very satisfied," and "I was able to directly touch things that are not often accessible, such as a seal specimen, shark eggs, and shark teeth. During the tide pool exploration, we received detailed explanations about the creatures we found, and the children wrote observation notes and presented them. We also did some litter picking and returned the collected creatures back to the sea. This way, we learned the importance of protecting the ecosystem." The program received high satisfaction and resulted in a wonderful collaboration.
In the next collaboration, we will provide more people with opportunities to interact with nature and expand learning opportunities. Responsible for the program東京山側ガイド「Tatsuya Morioka」は、「地域との連携を強化し、下田地域の活性化に貢献できるよう努めたい。参加者の高い評価を受け、次回は"下田海中水族館×地元漁師"の早朝体験など、プログラムの更なる充実を図りたい"と語る。
株式会社東京山側DMC is working with the staff of Shimoda Underwater Aquarium to convey the precious natural environment of Izu to children and promote initiatives for sustainable regional revitalization.