October 2024 Opening of Tokyo Mountainside Adventure Travel Guide School
Adventure Travel (AT)” mainly targets high net worth individuals overseas. It is said to be a 72 trillion yen market worldwide. In Japan, where the number of foreign visitors to Japan is expected to reach 60 million, this market is expected to expand even further.
In order to make AT a high-value-added experience, it is essential to have guides who can convey the history, culture, and nature of the region in an attractive manner. In Japan, there has been no standardized and systematized curriculum for guide skills, which has been a bottleneck in the spread of AT.
This school is the only environment in Japan where AT guiding skills are systematically taught to international standards. In addition, we offer AT tours on the mountainside of Tokyo, and can provide opportunities for AT guiding activities. We are now accepting applications for the first class of prospective guides. Please feel free to contact us at the following page.